Insurance: Affordable and Easy.
As a licensed Indiana independent insurance agency, working in the industry for over 15 years, we know how to get you the right coverage for the right price.
How do we do it?
When we give you a quote, we compare prices between multiple companies. We have the unique service of monitoring over 38 different insurance carriers, as authorized agents of Allstate, Allied, Progressive, The Hartford, and more. This gives you the most comprehensive coverage for your budget.
Homeowners Insurance
Congratulations on owning your own home! Being your own landlord is great, isn't it? Until the sink clogs... or the water heater goes out... or the garage door slips from its track...
Okay, so we can't come unclog your toilet for you, but we CAN protect your house and personal property from many things that aren't related to your 2 year old trying to flush down an entire roll of toilet paper.
Property coverages may include:
- Dwellings (broad to special)
- Cottages/Cabins
- Mobile Homes
- Satellite / Antenna
- Power & Light Poles
- Fire Department Charges
Inland Marine coverage may include:
- Antique Farm Equipment
- Boats
- Bows & Arrows
- Cameras
- CB Radios / Radar Detectors
- Computers
- FM Radios / Stereos
- Furs
- Golfers Floater
- Guns
- Hearing Aids
- Jewelry
- Musical Instruments (non-professional)
- Silverware
- Snowmobiles & ATVs
- Tools and Equipment
- Toy Tractors / Models
Speak with one of our agents today to get a quote. Call 574-732-4100 or use our simple form on the Contact page.
Renters and Landlords:
We wouldn't leave you without coverage. Contact us so we can help you get the right Renters Insurance policy or Residential Rental Property insurance.